Thursday, April 16, 2009

Compilation of Math Prayers

These are prayers inspired
by mathematical terms, i have a teacher in
trigonometry when i was in third year
high school who gave us this
project. I really work hard for this, some
prayers are from the internet and
some of it also are just my
I hope it may help you also, use these
prayers when you are having an exam in math
: )

Oh almighty God,

Blessed with the ability to divide by zero and find the square root of -1 and other powers that make us mere mortals tremble in awe, shower us in your exponential love so that we know that regardless of our sins, the limit of your love is infinity.Solve for x.

I pray to You Holy Trinity,

Supremum, Absolute Value and Infinity to have mercy on me, infimum.Don't let me diverge into sin and keep me on constant faith.Amen!

Oh God,

The Creator of Heaven and Earth, ye that ask us to multiply and replenish the Earth itself, that hath created all things, and that hears the prayers of your servants. As I have sought to be more like thee, please grant that I will have the time to pray, the time to study, the time to learn, and the ability to understand all that I must know. Grant me now wisdom. In the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

"Divine PI,

Help me solve these trigonometric functions.Super derivative do not abandon me in these trial times Impressive integral, please come to me...

Our father the mathematician,

Conic be they section.Thy quizzes come,our homework be done,on the graph as it is in the equation.Give us this day our Platonic solids.And forgive us our imaginary roots,as we forgive those who divide by zero.And lead us not into paradoxes,but deliver us from logical fallacies.For thine is the number line, and the logarithm,and the digits of pi for ever and ever.

"Forgive me lord for my sin.I have inappropriately divided by zero and taken the square root of a negative number. In addition, I have not been very positive and this has led to a division between me and my classmates. A fraction of them are doing things that are improper. Not to go off on a tangent, or to sound derivative but please also forgive my brother and sister whose combined ages are the same as my age will be 8 years from now. They were line (lying) when they told my mother they didn't eat the apple pi. May all our love multiply as we discover the many angles to your infinite compassion. May you help us to solve all our problems and keep us from being negative towards others. May we treat others with equality to the higher power.Amen"

"Dear lord,

Can you add more good to my life, subtract more of the bad, multiply all my good experiences, and divide the truths from the false, fact from fiction. Can you help me differentiate between good goals and bad, and help me find the shortest pathbetween a and b. For this, I shall always calculate my devotion to you as the summation of all my great achievements. Amen"Dear God,I'm sorry i added a few items on my list of sins. i promise to subtract my wrong doings. may You continue to multiply your blessings on me so that i may divide them equally to my brothers and sisters.This i ask in Your most holy name.Amen.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

hi ms. lex. i would like to adapt your math prayer for my son's use in his 3rd grade class. thanks!'

Rachel Evasco